Austria lags behind in implementing EU whistleblower directive

The Whistleblower Directive was enacted to improve the protection of whistleblowers. However, the government is putting on the brakes when it comes to implementing the EU directive in Austria.

As of February this year, only one-third of the 27 EU member states had begun the process of implementing the EU directive. Austria is not among them.

Austria is currently classified in the "no or minimal progress" category. Details on the implementation process are not known to the APA despite several requests. Transparency International calls for the initiation of a broad consultation process with stakeholders to ensure that the directive is implemented in Austria in a timely and adequate manner.

Kristof Wabl, head of the TI-Austria (Transparency International Austria) Whistleblowing Working Group explains "that whistleblowing is one of the most effective methods to expose misconduct such as corruption and other malpractices. Sound legislation is crucial to protect whistleblowers from retaliation and ensure that their reports are addressed."

Wabel believes that lawmakers should see the implementation of the EU directive in Austria as an important step toward a transparency offensive.

APA 2021-03-24